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Dana Jacobs
Based in Chicago, Illinois, USA



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2017 - Screening at Manifest: Drag
2017 - Screening at Ridgeway: ​Drag

2017 - Official Selection for Videodrunk Film Festival: I.D. 

2017 - Official Selection For Collected Voices Film Festival: I.D. 
2017 - Official Selection for Chicago Feminist Film Festival: I.D.
2017 - Screening at Ridgeway: I.D.
2017 - Honorable Mention from LA Underground Film Forum: I.D.

Hi, I’m Dana, a UX Designer. Throughout my career it’s been my mission to put other people's needs at the forefront. Having been in the retail space for 8 years has made my perspective to always be in service. What I have learned from retail is products alone don’t always bring people back. It’s the experience that people crave that brings them coming back for more. My degree in film allows me to amplify people's voices through imagery. Studying film gave me a creative way to show people that they’re not alone. I wanted to reassure my viewers that I care and I understand what they are going through. Creating seamless experiences to make others feel special and understood is my passion. I bring this same ideology to my designs. I seek to merge design with service.

Check out my Vimeo!

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